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Mgr. Boris Nakladov
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If you want to build a large enterprise, make one first.

Tomáš Baťa

17.06.2010, 23: 27, Mgr., Boris Nakladov

When is our surroundings submissive, krotíme our degree of aggressiveness and adapting to the, when our experience shows that aggressive behavior on the spot that the more we reach that suit our circumstances, and when this occurs more frequently, we become more and more submisivními. We are people who cannot operate, both in ordinary situations in life and in relationships. According to the law of attraction is to us přitaliovány similar circumstances and situation. We have people who use us and which we have to be waited on. We are doing this voluntarily and time become accustomed to this subordinate position, but our awareness don't like it. It can't be fooled. When we grew up in the youth without enough love, buy it in adulthood. When we receive from parents as a suggestion to „ be careful what you say! Don't do it, it's dangerous. It's “, etc. , etc. the following suggestion, even if you're not, indirectly affect our whole life even if it is a prosadíme, or we'll stay forever in diameter. We are unable to give their emotions, laughter or aggression, always checking on how we respond. We were raised to the restraint, the US parents better knowledge. We are not alone. We are not connected with our internal source, with our inner being. We have programmed. Of course you know the people who are there to promote, respond openly and selfishly, I don't care is a different opinion, are noisy, cheerful, showing their emotions, angry, but after a while all forget and bother. Mostly we see in leadership positions, are those who control their submissive employee and who can't bear criticism. They are the ones who allow their increased aggressiveness.

It is important for you to realize in what environment you grew up and how your parents reacted to the chapter you aggression if they were authoritative, or submissive, and that hadn't learned to repress your emotions. Aggression and submissivity, Goya, completely opposite to the danger. Both types of behaviour are extreme, but subconsciously we feel that submisivity us in the life they actually decide on our life for others. Eternal adaptation we live the lives of other people, not his, we voluntarily, dependent on foreign opinion, if consciously seek and time on such bezkonfliktní behavior will, subconsciously we feel a kind of dissatisfaction and injustice, settle in the US, and the stress of layers by zaděláváme to the disease. My whole life is to release the internal overpressure. We are not satisfied with their lives, we are not satisfied in their relations with their nearest neighbour and, indeed, the scrape of the us many things. According to the law of attraction, we can receive in this situation even more similar and worse things. All this unconsciously our dissatisfaction and criticism of we. Coming at us with more and more negative experiences. We are in a vicious circle, always adapting and smiřujeme with many things and situations that we don't like. In this State, we cannot in my life to attract nothing positive. Our negative vibration prevents us from fulfilling any wishes, if we left it some energy. Some spiritual healers advising us, in this case the nevzdorovat negative, set the other face and act even more submisivně, but we already know that this affects the fulfilment of our wishes, the only option is to respond to stimuli around otherwise than hitherto. The only possible way, which is not extreme, is assertive behavior. By odbouráte creating negative vibrations, which has not yet formed. If we act in a behavior and enforce his will, we must start to slowly and subtly, trying it on the less important matters. You serious problems we'll save it for later, if we are to control the behavior of the asertivního method. We must not be afraid of the other angry, because otherwise they become masters of our lives. We have to learn to react differently than they were accustomed to from us. We need to start saying no. "at the beginning it will not respond because they are accustomed to, but slowly you begin to realize that we're serious and they will have to change its position to us. Get ready for it, try it in front of the mirror. If you want to ignore, again like a broken gramodeska „ I hear over and over again, what you're saying, but I'm on your mind … “ don't need explanations, arguing in circles and …. “ I told you his opinion when he said he doesn't want to hear “ close conversation and leave. This will begin to address the current situation, but in the us remain the old grievances, lots of compensating wrongs that we have to delete. We Uskladňovali in a long time. A well-known author, England, mentions the Gwain after years of removal of silt began to feel free and began to attract people with similar vibrations. To whom we feel anger, who controls us, who posluhujeme and who don't feel well? Who to us is wrong, who feared his already, who destroys the confidence, reduced self-esteem and self-respect? Have you heard about the method of hitting the pillow? Luis Hay once told the old lady, who came to her for advice. She gave her a cushion to beat and he imagined someone who makes problems. Artritická Lady began to hit the pillow with such force that she wondered. When she got that aggression, she grabbed a stick and left on his own and not even realize that it is no longer used a stick as he walked, as support. Try it, it's not unusual for method and it is one of the nejúčinnějšich.

When disturbed, and you have more imagination, think of yourself as you hit the wall, or into the pillows, or into a punching bag and in this way you can get off the excess pressure that causes negative emotions. Remember that you must under all circumstances to try to be cool, regardless of what you think, who has somehow manipulated or even knowledge, you must start to think, talk and do what you feel is good for you. The main thing is to try to remain always relaxed and cool. Tuning the positive vibrations and thus can into his life favourable events, and thereby also positively affect physical reality.

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